Sunday 20 February 2011

Scale Calculator Update

Just a quick post, as I was busy last weekend and haven't had a chance to photograph anything for a while.

I've updated the Scale Calculator program from last time.

It occurred to me that we talk about "28 mm", "54 mm" etc., rather than the corresponding 1:n scale, so I added a drop down list to each of the scale boxes with a selection of the most common scales. I also added some train scales, as some of the scenery can be useful in wargaming.

Selecting a value from the list populates the scale box with the corresponding 1:n scale. Other scales can be entered as before, but hopefully this will be useful. One thing I found during my searching is that some scales "round down" in common use. 15 mm, for example, is 1:122. There seem to be a lot of references to it as 1:100, however, so I've added both to the list. There also seem to be three versions of O scale for trains, which was news to me.

I've updated the help text and tidied the layout up a bit. I also managed to find out how to stop the iPhone from treating certain numbers as phone numbers and underlining them. I wouldn't have minded so much, but it seemed fairly random. Anyway, they're all stomped out now.

New screen layout

Hopefully this program is finished, at least for a while, and I'll get back to figure pictures next week. I'm just about finished my zombie hunters (finally) and may have found a suitable base for my 54 mm Selene from Eolith Miniatures. The base is from Voodooworx, so I'll see how it goes. I had expected to have to try and build something for that figure, so hopefully I won't have to now :-)

Did a small spot of impluse buying a couple of weeks ago. I was walking past my local SF bookshop when I spotted the Steampunk Modeller book from Sci-fi and fantasy modeller. I'm not a big fan of steampunk, but I had a quick look though it and decided to buy it (not the most difficult decision I've made this year :-)). It looks quite good, and there are plenty of techniques to explore, even if most of the models don't really do anything for me.

The only other thing happening at the moment is some cleaning and preparation of ten Mantic skeletons. I bought a whole lot of them at the end of last year, so I'm doing a small group to try to decide on colours and a general look for the army. I have some old Citadel and Grenadier skeletons, but they're in a heavily drybrushed style, so I'm probably going to do something different.

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