Sunday 26 January 2014

Finished Empress Modern British

Finished these Empress Modern British Infantry just after Christmas. Really nice figures, although I think I messed up the MTP camouflage :-(

The detail on these figures is amazing, and quite how they cast some of the models as single pieces is beyond me (when I say "single piece", the heads are separate, but that's hardly the difficult bit)

The figures come with integral metal bases. I had considered putting them on washers and building around them, but I never get good results from that approach. In the end I cut them off their bases and pinned them to resin ones. There was a bit of texturing required to blend the two parts together, but nothing dramatic.

I followed a colour recipe I found on the Lead Adventure Forum, but I think I got the base colour wrong. When I did a search for Vallejo Game Colour Heavy Grey, it seemed to be quite green, so I used one I had that looked similar. One of the problems I always hit when doing camouflage is that I can never get rid of the base colour (by that I mean that the camouflage looks like secondary colours painted over a base colour, rather than a collection of colours with no obvious base colour). I think it's because I don't paint up to the edges with the overlay colours, but, even though I'm aware I need to, the base colour still dominates. With these figures, they just look green from arm's length.

They're not intended for contemporary wars, so some of my equipment colours are speculative. When I went looking for pictures of the Osprey vests, the only ones I could find were either in MTP or khaki. Given that I plan to use these in more temperate climates, I reasoned the army would also produce a green one. As it stands, they're destined for zombie support, and possibly Earth versus alien invader battles (I've started watching Falling Skies on the telly, and it's generated some ideas for games. As an aside, they really should have called the aliens something other than "skitters". I'm not sure what it means in the States, but in the UK it's a slang term for diarrhoea).

I painted up one section (two fireteams on matching bases)  and a couple of support figures. I have the same number left to paint, but there's no great rush.

The two fireteams

Fire Team 1 Fire Team 2

Squaddie with a rifle

Rifle Front Rifle Back

Squaddie with combat shotgun

Shotgun Front Shotgun Back

Sniper support

Sniper Front Sniper Back

Finally, all the figures



  1. Camo looks good in the photos!

  2. Looks great...Im thinking about getting some of these and adding some Gripping beast kukri to make them Gurkhas....good job!
