Sunday 18 May 2014

More SF Figures

I finished a mix of adventurers, aliens and starport workers a couple of weeks ago. Pictures below.

I played a skirmish game a couple of months back with adventurers and pirates fighting it out over some stolen tech. One of the things I noticed was that I only had a few human adventurer figure, so I decided to paint some more.

With my usual meticulous attention to detail I ended up painting two starport workers, three aliens, a cyborg and a whole two adventurers (although the aliens could be considered to be in the adventurer category). After my current group are finished, therefore, I shall be painting up more adventurers.

Anyways, the figures.

Reaper Cyborg

Quite a tall figure, and mounting him on a built up base makes him tower over most things. Still, cyborgs are meant to be imposing :-)

Studio McVey Grenadier

An interesting figure, although slightly annoying to paint. There are a number of plates on her arm that I assume are meant to be armour of some sort. However, they just kind of lie there, and I found it difficult to decide quite what to do with them. There's a version of her with a gun that's still in the lead mountain, so maybe I'll have better luck on the second attempt.

Studio McVey figure with Pulse Cannon

Another Studio McVey figure. His flesh was meant to be darker, but I don't think the Andrea set I used was quite correct. I have some Foundry paints that I may try on his colleague (as with the grenadier above, there's a variant of this figure as well). I did some weathering on the exoskeleton and I'm reasonably happy with it.

Infinity figure with rifle. At least, I think it's an Infinity figure…

Nothing much to say about this figure, although I remember attaching the arms to the figure was a major pain.

Zombiesmith Alien

I've had this figure for a while, so decided it was time to paint it. I have quite a few of the Zombiesmith aliens, so hopefully more will get painted in the coming months.

CP Models Alien Shocktrooper

CP Models Loor Scout

These two were part of an Indiegogo campaign that didn't fund. The sculptor sent out some samples during the campaign, and these were the two I got. The masters have since been bought and cast by CP Models, and I have picked up all the available figures. Well worth a look.

I had been aiming for something a bit more red with the Loor Scout, but I'm fairly happy with the way it turned out.

Reaper Technician

I painted the robot up a while ago, but the technician had required a bit of filling around the top of her leg (which sounds ruder than it was), so she missed that particular group. However, they're now reunited.

So, some nice alien models, a few more starport crew and a couple of human adventurers. Now I just need to find time to have another game…

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