Sunday 4 January 2015

2014 Review, 2015 Preview

That time of the year again, where I ruminate over past events and cogitate about future ones...


Looking back at last year's preview:


I had planned to spend the year painting up loads of science fiction figures, and that's pretty much what I did. I never got bored with them, so never felt the need to switch to fantasy or zombie stuff all year.

I painted some vehicles, including some done with the airbrush, and got a bit of scenery done. I'd like to be really smug and say that the vehicle and scenery piles have diminished a bit, but that would be a big fat lie. There were only two wargame conventions in central Scotland last year, but I took full advantage of both of them to increase the stockpiles.


I did some figure conversions, but that was about it.


I had planned to play at least one game a month. That lasted until March. To be honest, that's better than I had expected.



Having built up my SF stuff, I'm going to mix it up a bit more this year. I have decided to do some groups for fantasy warband skirmish. I already have more than enough Dwarfs, Goblins, Orcs, Undead and Skaven, so I'll just be filling in some of the gaps, such as Chaos and humans (and I already have plenty of figures for those, just not painted). I'm going to beef up my zombie survivors and will doubtless do some more SF figures.

I also hope to get back to some 54mm figures. I have a stash of them in the cupboard, but didn't paint any last year.


I still have loads of plans for figures and vehicles (several of which have been idle for over a year), so hopefully some of them will see the light of day this year.

I have some figures to finish converting and want to finally make a start on a figure that has been rumbling around in my head for over a year. I ordered some armatures from Hasslefree, so hopefully that will give me the incentive I need.


I think one of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome. However, that aside, I'm going to try and get some games in this year. My target to beat is three, so wish me luck.


Lots painted, although I'm not particularly happy with the recent quality of my work. Too many projects on hold, and a tendency to start things without finishing what I'm working on (although, to be fair, some of the projects are paused while I practise painting techniques that they will require).

So, cogitation over, all that remains is for me to wish you all a slightly belated Happy New Year.

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