Sunday 23 January 2011

Dwarf Villagers

Many many (many) moons ago, when getting to the FLGS involved dodging marauding dinosaurs, Citadel produced a range of dwarf villagers. Some of them were done for one of the campaign packs they produced (it's in the loft somewhere, but I can't remember where, or which one), others just because they could :-)

So, without further ado, some dwarf villagers, all pre-slottabase

Some general civilian types. The guy at the end has a pirate feel that I'd forgotten about. I still have (unpainted) the Dwarf Pirates that Citadel produced, so he may get press-ganged when I finally get around to painting them.

Most of the female Dwarves in my collection. Not quite sure what the ratio of female to male Dwarves is, but hopefully it's higher than that suggested by the various figure manufacturers.

Prospecting for gold's (figs 2 and 4) hungry work, which keeps the cook busy.

Innkeeper, along with a patron and a rat-catcher (should have photographed him at a bit of an angle). Not sure if the guy on stilts has height issues, or if he's testing an invention. Sadly, I suspect the former.

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