Sunday 29 April 2012

Foundry Plague Doctors

Foundry Plague Doctors

I finished these figures last weekend. I've been keeping with small groups and simple colour schemes this year, and this group was no different.

They're not all based yet, but here are some pictures anyway...

Foundry do two sets of plague figures. Below are the Plague Doctors. The other set, which I also have, are the Plague Apothecaries. What I missed in the pictures on Foundry's site is that it's the same figures in both sets; the only difference is that the Apothecaries have top hats. It's fair to say I was none too chuffed when I opened the blisters and noticed this fact.

Plague Doc 2

Plague Doc 3

They're for use with my Demon Apocalypse setting (although they will also be useful for a Zombie Apocalypse game), hence the pavement bases.

Plague Doc 1

The figure with the brush is fine in this set, but the brush handle was so weak in the second set that it broke off, although I think it will pin.

Plague Doc 4

Plague Victim

I'm going to make a separate base for the Doctor and wheelbarrow figure; the plan at the moment is to take a 50mm oval MDF base, file away a section for the road and cover the top with some pavement textured plasticard.

Plague Doc Group

Much as the "small group" approach has worked well with my Open Uni commitments, I have missed spending more time on figures. I'm on holiday next week and have some science fiction figures undercoated in preparation for my "paintcation". I'm not sure if I'll get them finished in the week, but hopefully I'll get far enough through that they won't take too much time to complete when I return to work :-(

In other news - it's Carronade next weekend. I've only bought four figures so far this year, but I suspect that will change during the show. I have a list of stuff I'm looking for and there are always lots of shiny things that I suddenly decide I can't live without :-)

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