Sunday 15 June 2014

Epic Space Marine - Tanks

It's the turn of the main battle tanks and super heavy tanks of the Imperium this week.

The previous Epic post covered the Rhino and some of its variants. This post looks at bigger Imperial vehicles on the battlefield, both Space Marine and Imperial Guard.

A 6mm Space Marine is shown as a size guide in all the pictures below.

This is a metal Land Raider. They also did a plastic version, which shipped with the Epic 40,000 box set.

That's actually pretty much it for Space Marine tanks, so it's over to the Imperial Guard for the rest of today's vehicles.

The Leman Russ main battle tank. One of the things I liked about the Epic scale vehicles was that they had loads of stowage attached, which made the models more "gritty". The stowage, however, was a pain in the neck to paint.

Moving up in size again to the super heavy tanks, the Shadowsword and Baneblade, respectively.

I am a huge fan of these tanks at this scale, but the thought (and price) of painting up a 28mm version brings me out in a cold sweat :-)

1 comment:

  1. Painting any tank has that effect on me, but the thing hat would really freak me out in 28 mm scale would be the price tag!
