Sunday 6 November 2011

Dwarf Slayers

Dwarf Slayers

I posted some pictures of my Dwarf Berserkers a couple of weeks ago, so I thought I'd follow up with my Slayers.

These appeared when Games Workshop redid all the background fluff, removing the Viking mythology and replacing it with their own. All of a sudden we had Slayers, Daemon Slayers and Dragon Slayers, along with the guys with the axes on chains (I can't remember their name, and I can't find them on the Games Workshop site - perhaps they too have been consigned to the dustbin of history...)

The pictures are in no particular order below, as I don't distinguish between the different Slayer types in my army. There's one Daemon Slayer and the rest are just standard Slayers. Looking at the pictures on the GW website, I must admit I'm quite tempted to add to the unit. There are, however, many projects in my to-do list, so I should probably avoid adding any more.

These guys are quite a bit bulkier than the older berserkers. They were painted quite a few years after the berserkers, but, even allowing for that, I've no idea why the painting style is so different (although it doesn't show up too well in the pictures, there is a noticeable difference in real life)


A couple of the axe on chain guys. I seem to remember these were a nightmare to glue together. I do have another couple in the lead pile, although they're not yet built.

Finally, the group shot (because I haven't used the phrase for a few posts, and I was missing it). These models really don't rank up very well together, which is reasonable, considering their background, but very inconvenient on the tabletop.

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